Fairest Fowl was one of the first short stories I wrote that was picked up for publication, and is a favorite of mine to this day. It was a finalist in SQ Mag's 2012 Story Quest Short Story Contest, was included in SQ Mag's Women in Speculative Fiction edition (Edition 8) released in May 2013, and will now be included in this 'Best of 2013' anthology. So proud of my little chicken story :)
Anyway. The TOC:
- A Man and His Parasite by Cat Rambo
- Fairest Fowl by J.B. Rockwell
- Born Again by Nu Yang
- Chinaman’s Bluff by Cat Sparks
- Flagman by Jim Lee
- Shoe Shine by Robert Datson
- Surface Stars by Hanson Hovell Holladay
- Intangible by A.A. Garrison (novella)
- The Visiphorical Art by Michelle Ann King
- Digging in the Deep by Tonia Brown
- Digital Reflections by Kevin Rainak
- Cattails by A.P. Sessler
- Strike Day by Marie DesJardin
- Tea in the Secret Garden by Emma Newman
- Faye’s Diner by J.T. Seate
- The Poet and the Lily by Julia August
- Endangered Species X by Guy Prevost
So what's my story about? Well, here's the lead in SQ Mag included when they published Fairest Fowl:
When you offend the gods and snub tradition, things can go badly wrong, and they can occur in the most unlikely places and circumstances.
Alright, so that doesn't tell you a lot. It's about a chicken of all things. A pretty badass chicken really - one I borrowed from Japanese mythology because it was just too good to pass up. Anyone who knows me knows I love animals, and anyone who's read my novels and short stories knows most of them incorporate animals in one form or another into the story. Some are friend, some are foe, some are big, scary monsters, others brave companions doing their best to keep our hero out of trouble. And the chicken in Fairest Fowl? Which category does that fall in: friend, foe, nice guy or monster?
The anthology will be out in just a few weeks so make sure to check back for an update.