I know, I know, it's been a loooonngggg time since I last put out a new book. BELIEVE ME, it's felt like ages to me as well. I have been writing all this time--I swear!--but wanting to get something published and actually getting something published aren't always the same thing.
Thanks to the most wonderful peeps at Severed Press, I will soon have a new shiny to offer up to all you fine folks. If you've stuck with me through this (unexpectedly) long hiatus, thank you! If you haven't and you're reading this now, hello! Welcome back!
Ok, so brass tacks time: WHAT IS THIS BOOK AND WHAT IS IT ABOUT?
Well... I don't have a ton to share as yet. For those who were hoping for another Serengeti book, I'm gonna burst your bubble right now so you can work through the disappointment. I adored that series and its characters but, for now at least, the story of Serengeti and her crew is done. The new book is set in that same universe, but at a different time and with a different ship and crew. Hopefully, once you start turning pages, you'll come to love these characters as well. I'll have cover art once that's complete and a blurb on the plot to share once Severed Press approves the back cover copy--for now, all I can really offer you is the title (which may also change, because that's how publishing works):
Forgotten Stars & Distant Seas is coming soon.