It's here! It's here! It's here! After weeks and months of waiting, FORGOTTEN STARS is finally live and available to grace your eyeballs and all just in time for Christmas! And you, yes lucky you, can grab your very own copy right...
Hey, hey! I'd hoped to be back with updates earlier, but I just got the news that Severed Press will be releasing Forgotten Stars just in time for Christmas. In fact, the book releases on 9 December 2020 so make sure to treat yourself and grab a copy! In the meantime, how's about you check out this cover reveal exclusive courtesy of that most wonderful indie review site SciFi & Scary.
The news is out, and I couldn't be more excited! I recently signed my supernatural/weird novella CRIMSON KING with JournalStone's Bizarro Pulp Press imprint, which will be published in concert with the (slightly deranged in the best of ways but otherwise) fine people of Rooster Republic Press. As Rooster Republic describes it, CRIMSON KING is a ... " 'creature feature'... about a gigantic, murderous, mutated bull with glowing green eyes and the unfortunate ability to hold a serious grudge."
Kinda proud of that description, honestly. I love me my little messed up bull. You can read all about CRIMSON KING and the other works on the Rooster Republic/Strangehouse Books/Bizarro Pulp Press slate on the Rooster Republic website. Look for CRIMSON KING's release in October 2021--that's right: just in time for Halloween! After a long, long, long, long drought, I'm finally back with a Bad Movie Review! Best part: this one's a doozy. I actually don't think Reign of Fire is a bad movie in any way shape or form, but Lilyn G. (owner and operator of the most venerable of sci-fi and horror review sites, Sci-Fi & Scary, holds a different opinion. Furthermore, and not so coincidentally, this same Lilyn G. maintains that Ghost Ship is a good movie, so after much snarky and arguing back and forth, I decided it was game on: this month I review Reign of Fire, next month a I trash.... er, post an insightful thesis on the merits of Ghost Ship.
Heh-heh-heh. This is gonna be fun. Until then, I give you Reign of Fire in all it's flag-wavy, God bless 'Merica (and dragons) glory. I never shared this thoughtful review of my fantasy short story, The Child Thief, which was included in Mannison Press' Little Girl Lost anthology. Why didn't I share it? No idea. But it's a lovely review, and better late than never so, here it is in all it's glory, with many thanks to the most wonderful Cecily Winter for highlighting my tiny tale of a girl and a chance-met pooka.
Wow. So, uhh...hi!
I know, I know, it's been a loooonngggg time since I last put out a new book. BELIEVE ME, it's felt like ages to me as well. I have been writing all this time--I swear!--but wanting to get something published and actually getting something published aren't always the same thing. Thanks to the most wonderful peeps at Severed Press, I will soon have a new shiny to offer up to all you fine folks. If you've stuck with me through this (unexpectedly) long hiatus, thank you! If you haven't and you're reading this now, hello! Welcome back! Ok, so brass tacks time: WHAT IS THIS BOOK AND WHAT IS IT ABOUT? Well... I don't have a ton to share as yet. For those who were hoping for another Serengeti book, I'm gonna burst your bubble right now so you can work through the disappointment. I adored that series and its characters but, for now at least, the story of Serengeti and her crew is done. The new book is set in that same universe, but at a different time and with a different ship and crew. Hopefully, once you start turning pages, you'll come to love these characters as well. I'll have cover art once that's complete and a blurb on the plot to share once Severed Press approves the back cover copy--for now, all I can really offer you is the title (which may also change, because that's how publishing works): Forgotten Stars & Distant Seas is coming soon. Yes, yes, yes! After a long, long wait, the Little Girl Lost anthology from Mannison Press is finally available, and includes my original short story: The Child Thief.
WHOO-HOO! Eager to get your hot little hands on a copy? WELL HIT THE LINK AND DOWNLOAD THE PRETTY! Hi all! Remember a couple of months ago when I mentioned a new short story sale? Well, the good people at Mannison Press, publishers of the Little Girl Lost anthology, just gave us the release date and it's just around the corner: October 15th, 2019!
Lookit all the pretty!!!!! Like most authors, I'm always keeping an eye out for the next opportunity. Sometimes that's a submissions call or a limited time opportunity to directly submit your work to a big publisher. Other times, it's a chance to get involved in the behind-the-scenes operations of an entity within the writing and publishing community.
I've taken full advantage of the former over the years with a mixed bag of results. Until recently, my involvement in the latter was mostly restricted to actively participating in various on-line writing forums and serving as a mentor in a pitch contest or two. Earlier this year, though, a golden opportunity rolled around that I just couldn't pass up. Recently, a new small publisher entered the ranks that focuses on my specialty, Speculative Fiction. And like a lot of new start-up publishers, they were on the hunt for volunteers willing to slog their way through the submissions slush. Unpaid, of course--didn't bother me, I still wanted this. I've always wanted to slush read--not really sure why, I just always thought it would be cool to see things from the other side--and now, thanks to Interstellar Flight Press, that little dream of mine has come true. Nazis. We all hate them. But Moon Nazis...? Yeah, we still hate them. That's what makes Iron Sky so great. No, seriously! What could be better than a bunch of bumbling Moon Nazis who've been hiding out on a secret moon base since the end of World War II planning their triumphant--
Wait. I've said too much. Hit the pic below and the link will take you to my full review. |
J.B. Rockwell
J.B. Rockwell grew up reading fairy tales, folklore and mythology, as well as anything and everything about ancient cultures and their history, and never lost her taste for any of it. She currently lives in West Virginia with her husband and four (yes, four) cats, all of whom provide inspiration for her stories, whether they know it or not. Archives
July 2023