And therein lies my problem: lists are too judgy. Knock a few things out? Great! Fail to finish the list? HELLFIRE AND DAMNATION FOREVER!!!!
Sometimes lists are useful. Take the grocery store, for instance. How else am I going to remember to grab that big old vat of Nutella if it isn't written down on a list? And, I'll be honest, sometimes that list of things to be accomplished provides a good old fashioned kick in the pants. That's what this particular list is about. I'm calling it my List of Writerly Things I Want to Accomplish. Some might call it a bucket list, but I'm hoping to check most of these things off long before I die. In fact, I'm going to do my best to check off everything in the next year.
Yup, that's right. I'm throwing down the gauntlet and giving myself just 12 twelve short months to wrap this puppy up.
Realistically, I don't think I'll hit everything. But it will be interesting to come back here next April and see which, if any, of my Writerly Challenge Things have been accomplished. And so, without further ado, The List...presented in no particular order:
1. Get 50 or more reviews on Amazon and Goodreads for Dark and Stars, Serengeti Book 2. (Guys! Guys! You can help me with this one!)
2. Sell a book (I've got one in particular I'd really like to find a home for)
3. Sell a short story (Work in progress!)
4. Sell something to a SFWA qualifying market (If I get this one, I should be able to check #2 or #3 off as well--yes, I'm well aware that's cheating but I really don't care)
5. Mentor for a pitch contest (I really, really want to check this one off)
6. Include more author features on my blog (book releases, cover releases, book reviews, interviews). Okay, that needs a more specific target. Let's say...5 different author features (besides my own, of course)
7. Update my blog at least once a month
Okay, that's only 7 things and I really wanted 10. Got any other ideas for what I should add? Got a list of your own that you'd like to share? Hit me up with your comments. I'd love to see what you've got in mind.